Monday, January 9, 2012


How gorgeous is this place? I've always really liked Alaska but ever since I read Raven Stole the Moon last year, my interest has really grown. I even got a vintage mug from ebay for my collection to commemorate...but more on my love of mugs later.


Thursday, January 5, 2012


...then I could blog about all the beautiful lovelies that have been bestowed upon me by the thrift gods. Sadly it was being held onto by my purse which was stolen months back. I really miss blogging. Even if I'm the only one that visits her, I feel like a little piece of me is fulfilled by this side project. In the meantime til I can raise the funds to buy a new camera, I'm going to start trying to find ways to pop up here now and again.

In other news, my sister started a blog! It's called Hello Crow. It's lovely and I'm glad she decided to add her voice to the community.

More to come soon!